(35) P. Kumari, B. Basnet, MOL, and O. D. Lavrentovich Chiral ground states of ferroelectric liquid crystals Science 383, 1364 (2024) (preprint)
(34) D. Bolmatov, C. P. Collier, J. Katsaras, and MOL Physical insights into biological memory using phospholipid membranes European Physical Journal E 47, 2 (2024) (preprint)
(33) M.-H. Chang, MOL, and J. Männik, Differentiating the roles of proteins and polysomes in nucleoid size homeostasis in Escherichia coli Biophysical Journal, in press (2023)
(32) H. L. Scott, D. Bolmatov, U. I. Premadasa, B. Doughty, J.-M. Y. Carrillo, R. L. Sacci, MOL, J. Katsaras, and C. P. Collier Cations control lipid bilayer memcapacitance associated with long-term potentiation ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 44533 (2023)
(31) S. M. Neumayer, N. Bauer, S. Basun, B. S. Conner, M. A. Susner, MOL, and P. Maksymovych Dynamic stabilization of metastable states in triple-well ferroelectric Sn2P2S6
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(30) C. Blanc, G. Durey, R. D. Kamien, T. Lopez-Leon, MOL, and L. Tran Helfrich-Hurault elastic instabilities driven by geometrical frustration Reviews of Modern Physics 95, 015004 (2023)
(29) MOL, D. Bolmatov, and J.-M. Y. Carrillo Arrested coarsening and large density fluctuations in driven, symmetric binary mixtures New Journal of Physics 25, 033006 (2023) (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/acb794/meta)
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(26) A. S. Bryant and MOL Survival in branching cellular populations Theoretical Population Biology 144, 13 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tpb.2022.01.005)
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(21) MOL and L. Tran Undulation instabilities in cholesteric liquid crystals induced by anchoring transitions Physical Review Research 2, 023128 (2020) (pdf)
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(15) E. M. Horsley, MOL, and R. D. Kamien Aspects of nucleation on curved and flat surfaces Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 234701 (2018) (pdf)
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(10) MOL, E. M. Horsley, A. Radja, A. M. Sweeney, and R. D. Kamien First-order patterning transitions on a sphere as a route to cell morphology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 113, 5189 (2016) (pdf)

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